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Sue Russell's Shop

Average Rating3.55
(based on 46 reviews)

I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Halloween Assembly

Halloween Assembly

Halloween Assembly Class Play: The Vanishing Pumpkin Customer feedback received 12.10.14 AMAZING! Exactly what I needed. Well written, funny and great suggestions for music. I’m using this with a class of 31 and the suggestions for adaptations were spot on. The class love it and are super excited for our assembly on the 30th of October. Thank you Cast: 30 (See Production Notes for smaller cast size) Duration: 10 to 15 minutes. The play can be extended by the addition of jokes Music 1 Disney Haunted House Judge 1: Welcome! Judge 2: We are gathered here to behold the year’s spookiest show! Judge 3: Our very own ….. Whole cast: (Shouting together) Halloween Talent Competition! (Everyone cheers) Judge 1: Each year we have a different set of contestants – but all sharing one thing in common! They’re all All Contestants: (Yelling) Gruesome! Judge 2: That’s right! No prizes here for beauty – on the contrary… Judge 3: The more gruesome, the better! Judge 1: (Looking up and down the line of contestants) And I have to say, this year you have truly surpassed yourselves! Judge 2: (Nodding) Absolutely! Judge 3: What a grotesque lot! (Everyone cheers) Judge 1: But are you truly scary? Judge 2: That is what will win you this coveted prize! Judge 3: A pumpkin – filled with every imaginable horror! (Each judge walks over and holds up something from out of the pumpkin, before dropping it back in again; the showing of each ‘exhibit’ prompting cries of admiration from the cast) Judge 1: A venomous snake! Judge 2: A warty toad! Judge 3: A blood-covered axe! Judge 1: Ah yes! There is something for everyone! Judge 2: But who is to be our champion this year? Judge 3: Let’s meet the contestants! Music 2 Witch Queen of New Orleans - Redbone (Enter 3 witches) Witches: (Together) We are the three witches of Macbeth! (Three witches recite 2 lines from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, whilst bent over a caldron) Witches: Double, double, toil and trouble Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Witch 1: Evil we look! Witch 2: Ugly we are! Witch 3: (All sweetly) Choose us, kind judges Witches: (Screaming together) Or we’ll have yaaaaaaaaah! (Witches race over to the judges, making menacing gestures) Judge 1: That’s enough! Judge 2: We will not be intimidated!
Awe and Wonder Assembly for Key Stage I

Awe and Wonder Assembly for Key Stage I

Awe and Wonder Assembly Key Stage I (5 – 7 yrs) Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration - around 10 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions and songs). Longer performance easy - with simple addition of more information. Special guests to this class play: two superheroes - invited along to witness 'awesome' and 'wonderful' aka Nature and its superpowers - Who or what can beat a spider's artistry, a rainbow's beauty, the miracle of a butterfly and ... a great Milky Way! Awe and Wonder Assembly/Class Play available for Key Stage II (7 – 11yrs) – on Seven Natural Wonders of the World (Grand Canyon, Great Coral Reef etc). As a special offer, FREE with purchase of this script - a set of lovely photos taken at last year's Sensational Butterflies Exhibition at the Natural History Museum. Drop me a line at sue@plays-r-ussell.com Sample Text: (Enter 4 children in pyjamas) Narrator: Looks like you lot are ready for bed! Child 12: (Pointing up) Star gazing! Child 13: That’s what we’re doing! Child 14: (Sighing) They’re so beautiful! Child 15: (To Narrator) Care to join us? Narrator: Don’t mind if I do! What can you see? (As Narrator is gazing upwards, children share out chocolates among themselves; Narrator suddenly realises he has been ‘duped’) Narrator: Hey! Give me those chocolates! Child 12: But we’re about to tell you about them! Child 13: This one is the name of a group of stars – a galaxy! Child 14: This one is the galaxy we live in – the Milky Way! Narrator: (To Child 15) And this one? Child 15: Well, this one isn’t really a star. It’s a planet – Mars! Narrator: (Taking Mars bar) Well, I’d better have that one, then! (To audience, aside) My favourite!
Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 to 15 minutes reading time (around 20 with addition of music) One of several Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell. A set of 5 Ancient Greek Myths is also available in Guided Reading format, each with 6 speakers, and its own quiz. Sample Text: Poseidon: Oh I’m sure it is! So you stopped off at my son’s island for a bit of a holiday? (To audience) I’ve heard the Greek islands are a favourite holiday destination. Island hopping, I believe you call it? Odysseus: Well, that was hardly our intention. We wanted to get home. Ancient Greek 6: But stopping off for a bit of a rest did make sense. Ancient Greek 7: Though it didn’t turn out to be quite the holiday we expected! Ancient Greek 8: Stuck in the back of that cave (Enter Polyphemus, finding his way to the group, with the aid of a white stick) Polyphemus: (Bellowing loudly) My home! Ancient Greek 9: Hardly the best that Airbnb have to offer! Polyphemus: (Bellowing angrily) Pardon? There’s nothing wrong with my cave I’ll have you know! Ancient Greek 10: Nothing at all – until you get your head bashed against one of the walls! I was the first to suffer at your hands Ancient Greek 11: And I the second! Ancient Greek 1: And I the third! Ancient Greek 2: And I the fourth Ancient Greek 3: And I the fifth Ancient Greek 4: And I the sixth! Poseidon: (Tutting) Son! Really! That was rather greedy, even by your standards! Polyphemus: (Muttering sulkily) But I didn’t eat them all in one go! Odysseus: (Sarcastically) Oh that was very good of you! Polyphemus: Well, thank you! Poseidon: No, I think he’s being sarcastic, son! The lowest form of wit. But something tells me, not quite low enough for you! Odysseus: (To Polyphemus) So come on! What have you got to say in your defence? Surely you don’t want your old man thinking you have the table manners of a monster? Polyphemus: (Spluttering) Well, I er, Ancient Greek 5: You just fancied a change from lamb stew, right? Polyphemus: (Beaming) Oh that’s right! Indeed I did! Ancient Greek 6: I expect lamb gets pretty boring night after night? Polyphemus: Oh you’re right! Ancient Greek 7: So we made a pleasant change to your diet? Polyphemus: (Slapping his large belly, fondly) Well, I’d hardly call it a diet!
Winter Assembly or Class Play for Key Stage I

Winter Assembly or Class Play for Key Stage I

Winter Assembly for Key Stage One Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: Around 10 - 15 minutes. This length can be extended by the addition of suggested poems. Brrrr! .... surely there's a bit more to be said about winter than this?! Well, if left to our cast it would just be the sound of snoring - any excuse to follow the lead of that hibernating hedgehog. Fortunately, you can always rely on a bit of Disney to revive flagging spirits - plus some snowball fights and a few words from our rockin robin! This is one of a set of plays on The Seasons - all available as separate purchases. Sample Text (Enter group of children all dressed in winter clothes) Child 23 – 27: (Together) We’re all warm! Narrator: And how is that? Child 23: I have a warm woolly hat! Child 24: I have a warm woolly scarf! Child 25: I have warm woolly gloves! Child 26: I have warm woolly socks and welly boots! Child 27: And we all have Child 23 – 27: Warm woolly coats to keep us warm! (Exit group of children) Narrator: Hmm! Warm and woolly seems to work! Music 5 Rockin Robin – Michael Jackson (Enter Robin/Child 28 dancing to song that is sung by rest of the cast) Narrator: (Applauding) Well, that was very upbeat! (To robin) You don’t seem to have any problems with the cold weather! Robin: Well, it’s not always easy, you know! And I am always grateful to those kind people that leave me food out in their gardens! Narrator: Well, you are our favourite national bird Robin: And those Christmas cards just wouldn’t be the same without me, right? Narrator: Right! (Exit Robin) (Sound of loud snoring, from the cast) Narrator: Hey! What’s going on? Music 6 All I have to do is dream – Everly Brothers (Optional excerpt – first couple of bars) (Enter very sleepy hedgehog/Child 29) Hedgehog: (Rubbing eyes) Oh! Where’s my bed? I must have sleepwalked off, by mistake!
Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

The Anglo-Saxon Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Also available as an assembly or class play Play 1 Introduction King Arthur: I'll say! All we wanted in 410 A.D. was a ‘quick fix'. Guthrum: Funny how raiding, invading and then conquering often end up with settling. Vikings did that too! Asser: How true! The Anglo-Saxons started their raiding in 350 A.D. Then started invading in 430 A.D. and then settled themselves in Britain just 20 years later! Play 2 Anglo-Saxon Life Freya: Now, now dear! Don't be too harsh. They're a bit simple, this lot. I mean, just look at where they live! Thor: Yes, in a wooden house, with an open fire in the middle Freya: And no chimney! No wonder they stink of smoke! Play 3 Sutton Hoo Discovery Raedwald: And didn't you have a dream - about a funeral procession and treasures? Edith Pretty: Funny you should say that! Yes, I did! How do you know about that? Raedwald: Well, I was in it! I was getting tired of watching you and your son counting the rabbits on those burial mounds, every day! I kept thinking, when are they going to realise what riches they're standing on! Play 4 Beowulf King Hroogar: right party pooper! Just because you're too miserable to enjoy a bit of singing and dancing! Grendel: Woken from my sleep by your partying! No wonder I was driven to murder! Beowulf: But to go and kill those warriors, while they were sleeping! What cowardice! King Hroogar: And then to eat them! Grendel: How yummy! Now, if you'll excuse me! I'm off for a nap - let this lot digest before I come back for more! Play 5 Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Merlin: And those emblems around your necks? Guinevere: To remind them to lead pure lives, always seeking the very best, on the path of the Holy Grail - that symbol of God's grace. Arthur: Yes, that was the cross. But haven't you forgotten the red dragon and what that stood for? Lancelot? Lancelot: You mean serving my king? Well I did that on the battlefield. It just slipped my mind at other times. Arthur: Yes, like when you were near my wife!
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation is also available from Sue Russell plus An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs Sample Text Script 1: When? Narrator: So. When does the story begin? Child 1: Well, I suppose you could say it started with Muhammed. Child 2: He was, after all, the founder of Islam. Narrator: Dates? Child 3: Muhammed was born around 570 AD. Child 4: Islam began in 610 AD when Muhammed became Allah’s messenger Child 5: His prophet. Narrator: And what was his mission? Child 5: To deliver the Qur’an or the Word of God. Narrator: Aha! So that was how Islam began. Now let’s talk about how it spread. Child 1: Well, Muhammed himself died in 632 AD Child 2: But his followers continued to spread the message of Islam. Narrator: You mean, Muslims? Child 3: Correct. And today there are over one thousand million! Narrator: But let’s not gloss over the history that quickly! I want to hear all about that Golden Age! Child 4: Ah! You mean up until the 14th century? Child 5: Yes. Shame about those Mongol invaders, destroying pretty much everything they could lay their hands on. Child 1: Which included that amazing city of Baghdad!
The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play Includes Poem – The Mayflower – written by Sue Russell From Scrooby, to Amsterdam, to Leyden, to Plymouth in the ‘New World' - hardly the most direct route those Pilgrims could have taken (did they not have Satellite Navigation Systems in those days?!)And it was hardly ‘plain sailing' all the way when they got there - disease, harsh environment, terrible weather - certainly a disappointment for anyone out for a holiday! But after such unpromising beginnings, great things developed -including friendship with the locals, defying all fears previously harbored; and a great Thanksgiving tradition born (minus the turkeys and cranberries - let's try to stick to the facts here!) This Class Play, written to Readers Theater format, is written in 5 parts: 1. Background 2. Mayflower Voyage 3. First Sight of Land 4. First Winter and Spring 5. First Thanksgiving with 6 speakers for each part. The play can be used either within the classroom, reading out loud in groups of 6; or as a ‘performance' with the optional inclusion of music and a ‘Mayflower Song'. Sample Text 1.Background Speakers: Narrator William Brewster (Became religious leader of Plymouth settlement) William Bradford (Became second governor of settlement - for 36 years) Dorothy Bradford (Wife of William) Richard Clyfton (Preacher - stayed in Amsterdam) John Robinson (Teacher - stayed at Leyden) Narrator: Our story begins in the year 1606 - in the tiny English village of Scrooby. Dorothy: Are you men still sitting around talking? Bradford: Indeed we are! Robinson: We have so much to discuss, before we depart these fair shores - for Holland. Dorothy: Are you sure it is necessary for us to make this move? Clyfton: If it wasn't, we certainly wouldn't be doing it. Dorothy: I mean, all that upheaval and disruption to our lives and our children's .. Brewster: We understand just how you feel. But we have no choice. Bradford: If we stay here we will continue to be persecuted Clyfton: And for what? What is our crime? Robinson: Only that of wanting a simpler form of worship Clyfton: One that doesn't require there to be a priest between us and God. Extract from ‘Mayflower Song' (set to Bobby Shafto tune) Just the Mayflower fit to sail Things went fine until that gale Then directions them did fail And sent them too far northward.
Rumpelstiltskin play or guided reading script

Rumpelstiltskin play or guided reading script

Rumpelstiltskin play This is an alternative version of the original Brothers Grimm version. Cast of 6, reading time approximately 20 minutes Includes: Synopsis of original fairy tale, play script, teaching input, discussion and suggested follow up activities. This script can be used for performance - as an assembly/class play; or as a guided reading script with built in lesson plan (as described above). This is the first of a series of 'alternative' fairy tales written by Sue Russell - coming up: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty - these last three already available as assemblies/class plays, cast size 30 (easily adaptable up or down). Snow White also available as a pantomime. Rumpelstiltskin Sample Text: Narrator: Good morning. And welcome to one of our favourite fairy tales (Enter Rumpelstiltskin) Rumpelstiltskin: Rumpelstiltskin! That’s me! Narrator: A veritable fiend! Villain! Crook! Rumpelstiltskin: (Interrupting) Er, wait a minute! Are we talking about the same fairy tale? (Narrator consults his notes) Narrator: Well, I think so. Weren’t you the horrible little Rumpelstiltskin: (Interrupting) Could you be just a tiny bit less offensive? I mean, ‘horrible’, ‘little’. Aren’t there any rules on political correctness here? Narrator: (Apologetically) Oh I’m sorry. You're right (Putting script to one side) I’ll try not to follow this quite so much (Rumpelstiltskin walks over and takes a look at the script) Rumpelstiltskin: (Snorting) Pah! As I thought! Those Brothers Grimm! The way they described their characters! They’d never get away with it today! ‘Little man’ indeed! How would they like to be vertically challenged? Narrator: You know, I do sympathise with you. I think you have a right to feel the way you do! Rumpelstiltskin: Well, thank you Narrator: But that doesn’t completely excuse your behaviour. Rumpelstiltskin: (Exploding) My behaviour? What about that of the king and the girl’s own father?
The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script

The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script

The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script or Readers Theater for Group of six speakers This is one of a collection of Hans Christian Andersen stories and includes teaching input, discussion and suggestions for further activities - i.e. ample content for a lesson. It can equally be used as a literary or PSHE resource. It could also be used as a small play, for performance, with a few ‘tweaks’ and the addition of the music suggestions below. Music 1. ‘There once was an ugly duckling’ song 2. Swan Lake – Tchaikovsky 3. You’re so Vain – Carly Simon Cast of 6: Narrator The Ugly Duckling Farmyard Turkey Swan 1, 2 & 3 Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time Sample Text 1 Ugly Duckling: ‘Oh dear!’ Narrator: (Puzzled) Pardon? Ugly Duckling: ‘Oh dear!’ I mean, that was the first thing I heard when I emerged into this world. Swan 1: Oh, you poor, dear sweetheart! Farmyard Turkey: (Mimicking Swan 1) Ah bless! You little darling! Swan 2: (To Turkey) What is your problem? Did nobody ever show you any love? Farmyard Turkey: Well, now you come to mention it, no! Swan 3: Oh dear! That would explain a lot! Farmyard Turkey: (Angrily) I beg your pardon? Heh, I’ve survived, haven’t I? And not, may I add, done so very badly for myself! Think farmyard status again! Narrator: Oh, you and your farmyard status! I wonder how you’d have fared outside that yard, in the bigger world? Farmyard Turkey: (Anxiously) Ooh, you wouldn’t get me going beyond the farmyard gate! Ugly Duckling: And that’s exactly to and beyond where I was chased! Narrator: But, hold on a minute. What about those other ducklings? Swan 1: Yeah. Those first brothers and sisters of yours? Swan 2: Didn’t they stand by you? Swan 3: Didn’t they stick up for you? Ugly Duckling: You are joking? From the minute they saw me they made fun of me! Sample Text 2 (Demonstrating PHSE link) Narrator: Nah! Ever heard the expression, beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Swan 2: Meaning? Narrator: That what is ugly and unattractive to one person, is totally beautiful to another! Ugly Duckling: A shame my brothers and sisters didn’t see that! Narrator: Because you were different from them. And sometimes being different is quite scary to others. They feel threatened. Ugly Duckling: They feel threatened? They want to feel what it’s like to be on the receiving end! Narrator: Which is why we should always treat others as we’d like to be treated ourselves.
Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts

Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts

Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts or Readers Theater This is the first of a series of ‘Time Travels’ – based on guided reading scripts which were written as supplementary classroom resources to Class Plays or Assemblies. Please note: This Time Travel Series only currently consists of the one product - on Ancient Egypt. I am really waiting to see if there is sufficient interest in this product in order to follow with the rest of the series. A group of Time Travelers has been added along with a few 'tweaks' to the original script (still available along with accompanying quizzes under Guided Reading - Ancient Egyptians Guided Reading Play Scripts.) Written in play format with 6 speakers to each of 5 ‘plays’ (Total number of speakers – 30) Each play is around 5 minutes reading time and comes with a quiz at the end Total time: around 35 – 40 minutes Unit 10The Ancient Egyptians Introduction to Ancient Egypt Guide plus five other Time Travelers – Adam, Mary, Peter, Susan and Phillip Guide: Well, what do you know? Here we are! Adam: But where is here? Guide: (Looking around) Why, here in Ancient Egypt of course! Play 2 Farmer's Year Speakers: Farmer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 &6 Farmer 3: Though we did leave a lot behind for those archaeologists! Always digging things up and learning about how we lived. Farmer 4: Pots and pans, jewelry, weapons, (pause) .. and loo seats! Yes, the first known toilet seat in the world was dug up in the ancient Egyptian city of Akhenaten in 1350 B.C. I don't suppose anyone was still sitting on it! Play 3 Daily Life Speakers: Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Teacher, Priest Son: Yes, they weren't just amazing buildings, for us living persons to stand and admire. Priest: No indeed. Far more importantly they were designed to send our pharaohs to join the gods in heaven. Daughter: Wasn't that called the after-life? Priest: Yes. A world free of low life. Son: Are you talking about those tomb robbers again? Priest: Yes. We tried to make things harder for them. And then someone thought of hidden tombs! Play 4 The After-life Speakers: Chief Priest, Embalmer, Mummy, Anubis, Osiris, Ammut Chief Priest: Ready to stuff? Embalmer: Yup! With straw, linen and sweet smelling herbs! Add a little salt Mummy (muttering): This one obviously thinks he's a celebrity chef! Chief Priest: No! A little more than just a pinch of salt! This natron needs to cover the body if it's going to dry out over the next 40 days! Play 5 The Gods Speakers: Amun, Nut, Thoth, Human, Hapi, Seth Hapi (snorting) Hmph! Hapi by name but not always by nature!
Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I

Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I

Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I Bruegel and Lowry Script Cast Size - 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 - 15 minutes depending on time spent on children's own artwork. (There is a section of the script dedicated to children showing and describing their own work - this section can be omitted thus reducing duration to around 5 - 10 minutes) Sample Script Bruegel: Oh well! Let me tell you now! I had to disguise myself as a peasant Child 12: Why? Bruegel: Oh so that I could see what it was like …. being a peasant! Child 13: And what was it like – being a peasant? Bruegel: Well, I try to show that in my paintings. Teacher: You see, children. Up to this time, only kings and queens and people with lots of money were painted. Narrator: Lucky for us Bruegel came along – and showed us how the poor people lived! (Bruegel goes back to work at his easel) (Lowry looks up from his work, and stands up) Lowry: So did I! Narrator: Pardon? Lowry: I also showed what it was like to be a worker! (Narrator walks over and holds up Lowry painting, to show cast and audience) Child 14: (To Teacher) That’s like the pictures you showed us, Miss! Teacher: Quite so! Child 15: They show us how people lived in the industrial cities of England. Child 16: Smoking factories Child 17: Long streets Child 18: Long people! Narrator: Pardon? Child 19: Oh, he means – the people look a bit like matchstick men! Lowry: (Laughing) That was my style! This script is one of the Famous People Series based on the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, comparing aspects of life in different periods. This list of ‘greats’ includes: · Queens - Elizabeth I and Victoria · Explorers - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong · Inventors - William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee · Women: (i) In Civil Rights - Rosa Parks and Emily Davison (ii) Nurses - Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. I am happy to write on alternative individuals as per my 'write on request' service - so please drop me a line on sue@plays-r-ussell.com
India  Assembly

India Assembly

India Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - minimum 10 minutes reading time - this, as explained in Production Notes, could be increased to 30 minutes plus The cast (should that be caste?!) of this Indian Assembly or Class Play is anything but equal with the appearance of three gods - two with 4 arms and the other with 4 heads - which one is the narrator supposed to address? Just one of the many problems facing our narrator - the main one being sheer volume of music, colour, joy and .. well everything that makes India such a vibrant country! Sample Text: Music 2 (Shiva dances across ‘the stage’) (Narrator tries to stop him but is confused by the number of arms – four) Narrator: Er, em, excuse me … but who are you and what are you doing? Shiva: What am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I’m dancing, of course! Narrator: Well, I think we can all see that. But who are you? Shiva: (Exploding) Who am I? Who am I? Narrator: Well, if you put it like that – yes, who are you? (Whole cast gasps in horror) (Child 7 goes over to Narrator) Child 7: (Aside) Surely you know who this is? Narrator: (Irritably) Well, do you really think I’d be asking if I did? Child 7: It’s Shiva – the Destroyer! (Narrator gasps) Narrator: Oh no! Not that god with the power of life and death? Child 7: That’s the one! Narrator: (To Shiva) Oh I am most dreadfully sorry! I had no idea that it was you, Shiva! Shiva: Oh I’ll forgive you! I guess I do look (waving arms around) pretty ‘armless! Narrator: Well, I wouldn’t say that! I mean, I think I counted … four arms? Shiva: Oh that’s nothing! When you compare it with number of names I have! Narrator: And they are? (Holds up fingers to start counting on) Now, let’s see. Starting with Shiva … Shiva: Er, I don’t think we have time to run through the others – there are over one thousand of them! This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’. Other Indian scripts: Divali and the Story of Rama & Sita (as a play within a play - a little like Midsummer Night’s Dream!) plus scripts on Gandhi and on the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Sleeping Beauty Assembly

Sleeping Beauty Assembly

Sleeping Beauty Assembly This 'alternative' version has a cast size: 12 upwards. This is the number of main speaking parts; but with the addition of ‘courtiers’ the cast size can easily be increased upwards. Duration: Around 20 minutes. This is a truly alternative version of Sleeping Beauty – with a ‘Wicked’ Fairy who hates anything ‘nice’; a king and queen ‘at loggerheads’, a princess destined not to win a prince (of any description), and as usual, a despairing narrator – given the impossible task off pulling of yet another ill-fated assembly! It can be used for PSHE - as it strongly reinforces the importance of saying Thank You; or it can be used in Literature (as an example of an alternative text) or as a play to put on at Christmas. Sample Text: King: One hundred years? Seems a little O.T.T.! Queen: One hundred years? But that means I’ll be dead when she wakes up! Sleep Fairy: Oh, you don’t need to worry about that! You will all fall asleep together. And wake up together! King: (Spluttering) But! But! What about Man. United? Are they going to be asleep too? Sleep Fairy: Er, no.. Queen: And what about Eastenders? How can I possibly catch up on one hundred years’ worth of episodes? Narrator: (Sarcastically) Oh dear! And what if World War Three breaks out? Oh, but I guess that pales into insignificance alongside football teams and soaps! Beautiful Fairy: Oh, you can always come to me for those. (Delving into cosmetics bag) Now, let me see. I have lavender scented, or un-perfumed if you prefer … Narrator: (Exploding) No, I don’t prefer! Here we are, discussing the future of the world – and all you can think about is …… cosmetics? Sleep Fairy: (Clutching head) For some strange reason, that headache of mine doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Perhaps it’s a little peace and quiet that I need! You (turning to King and Queen) should be happy that you’ve got off so light! You’re not going to die, are you? I‘m going to leave now – before I change my mind! (Exit Sleep Fairy) Narrator: Well, really! These fairies are just so – touchy! King: That’s women, for you! ‘Course it’s left to us men to do what’s practical. Like banning all spinning wheels in the kingdom! Queen: (Hugging King) Oh, dearie! How very clever of you! Clever Fairy: I was just about to make that suggestion myself! Good Fairy: Well, it was good of you to let him have his moment of glory. (Aside) I strongly suspect he won’t have many more!
Great Mysteries of the World Assembly

Great Mysteries of the World Assembly

Great Mysteries of the World Assembly In the hands of the great Sherlock Holmes, how can there be so many great mysteries of the world still unsolved? Read on! Cast of 30. Reading time around 10 minutes. Mysteries (7): • King Arthur • Building of Ancient Egyptian Pyramids • Stonehenge • Lost Minoan Civilization • Eldorado • Loch Ness Monster • Bermuda Triangle Sample Text: (Silence ensues as Narrator, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson await next ‘mystery’) Narrator: (Impatiently) Next! (More silence) (Narrator looks through his notes in agitation) Narrator: Now, let’s see. That Minoan Civilization! Where have they got to? Sherlock: Er, I think that’s just the point! You see, they disappeared around 1450 BC. Narrator: What do you mean, disappeared? Sherlock: (Mimicking waving a wand) Vamoosh! Gone! Narrator: OK so can we lose the crazy wizard act? Or did Arthur leave his Merlin behind? (Enter Arthur Evans) Arthur Evans: Well, luckily for us, much of the great palace at Knossos remained so we can at least find out lots about how the Minoans lived. Narrator: And you are? Arthur Evans: Archaeologist, Arthur Evans! Sherlock: Ah, an earthy detective! Arthur Evans: Yes, you could say that! Not afraid to get my hands dirty! Watson: All that scrabbling around in the ground – not quite my cup of tea! Arthur Evans: Ah but the rewards are great! To unearth all 1,500 rooms of that Minoan palace – to say nothing of the fact that Crete is a delightful Greek island on which to vacation! Sherlock: Hmm. I guess it beats the dirt and grime of our Victorian back streets! Arthur Evans: Indeed. And such a lovely climate. You know Narrator: (Interrupting impatiently) Gentlemen! Gentlemen! We are not here to discuss possible holiday destinations! What I want to know is, what happened to the people who built and lived in this great palace that you speak of?
Risk and Danger Assembly or Class Play

Risk and Danger Assembly or Class Play

Risk and Danger Assembly Perhaps first thing I should point out is that this assembly poses absolutely zero risk to the general public! And I include audience and cast in that statement! Cast of 30, duration around 10 - 15 minutes not including music suggestions: 1. Dangerous – Michael Jackson 2. Take a Chance – Abba 3. Superstition – Stevie Wonder 4. I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor 5. Oops I did it Again – Britney Spears This script maintains an element of fun throughout what is quite a serious theme. The Narrator certainly thinks so, armed with Health & Safety Directive! But it also looks at the lives of some of our greatest heroes - and how they had to forsake 'risk assessment' (did they have that in Horatio Nelson's day?!) in favour of sheer valour. Some great quotes - thank you Sir Winston Churchill and Sir Woody Allen, among others. Oh and of course the great Julius Caesar for providing some much needed action! Following is feedback from customer who requested I write this script: ‘Love, love, love it thank you so much! I highly recommend Sue's Plays class assemblies. They are clever, witty and the children have so much fun performing them! Sue wrote a fabulous class assembly to meet my specific title and got it to me within one day. I was overwhelmed with Sue's quick response and attention to detail. Thank you, Phil.’ Feedback like this keeps me writing - HUGE thank you to Phil! Sample Text: Narrator: And you all have statues of yourselves in London, am I right? (All nod) Richard the Lionheart: But we didn’t all die comfortably in our beds! Narrator: (Sighing) I just knew I could hear a but coming! Horatio Nelson: But don’t you see? (Passes telescope from ‘bad’ eye to good) Ah that’s better! What was I saying? Sir Thomas More: I think you were trying to say, none of us could have achieved what we did in our lifetimes, without taking some risks. Narrator: (Aghast) Risks? You mean, you took more than one? Mary Queen of Scots: (Impatiently) Of course we did! You can’t go through life all wrapped up in cotton wool Boadicea: Even if it means you do come to a somewhat sticky end! Narrator: Ooh! Not on this stage, please! (Julius Caesar stumbles onto the stage, with ‘dagger in his chest’) Julius Caesar: Et tu, Brute! (Julius Caesar collapses in a heap) (Tumultuous applause from the whole cast) Narrator: (Tutting) So much for 'Famous last words'! (Exit everyone except Narrator, moping his brow) Narrator: Oh dear! And after all that risk assessment I did earlier today – and I still manage to get carnage on the
Awesome Animal World Record Breakers Assembly

Awesome Animal World Record Breakers Assembly

Awesome Animal World Record Breakers Assembly This script was written for KS II but can be simplified for KSI. A separate script for KSI will shortly be available Cast of 30 Cast size can be easily adjusted up or down by the adding on or taking off the suggested list of animals. Duration Around 20 minutes not including music suggestions As with cast size, this can be altered according to the number of animals and amount of information given on each. This script covers the biggest, the smallest, the fiercest, the fastest, the smartest, the longest-living ..... a truly awesome cast! KS I script shortly available Sample Text: Narrator: (Jumping back in alarm) Wow! I didn’t see you fly in! Komodo Dragon: (Patiently) That’s because I didn’t! I’m a Komodo dragon from South East Asia. And, just for the record, I neither fly nor breathe fire! Narrator: But you look pretty fearsome, for all that! Komodo Dragon: Well, I am the world’s largest lizard and I do have some pretty unpleasant poison and bacteria in my saliva! Narrator: Ugh! Not a nice way to die! I think we’ll have you just sitting nice and quietly back here, where you came from! (Narrator leads dragon back to his place) Music 4 Chariots of Fire (Enter Ostrich, running gracefully in time to the music) (Narrator holds up hand for ostrich to stop) Narrator: Er excuse me! I hate to interrupt your morning exercise Ostrich: Oh, I can go way faster than that! I’m just warming up! Apart from being the world’s biggest bird, I am also the fastest runner – for a bird, that is! Seventy km an hour! Narrator: Wow! That’s fast (pauses) considering your size! Ostrich: I also lay the largest eggs and have the biggest eyes to watch over them! (Enter Goliath bird-eater spider – whole cast shrieks and cowers in fright) Goliath Bird-Eater Spider: Just as well you don’t live anywhere near me! Ostrich: (Haughtily) South America is a long way from my African home (pauses) but seriously? One stamp from me and you’re history!
Fairer World Assembly

Fairer World Assembly

Fairer World Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 (easily adaptable up or down) Narrator plus Protestors 1 - 29 Duration Around 20 minutes including music and/or poetry suggestions. This script deals exclusively with fairness as a social and economic issue. Mention is made in the script of Children’s Rights. For a full ‘account’ of these see Children’s Rights Assembly. Sample Text Protestor 17: Those suffragettes might have got women the vote but there is still a long way to go before women have equal rights with men. Protestor 18: And what about the disabled? They are also still treated differently from the rest of us. A closer study should be made of their rights! Protestor 19: And what about the elderly? Do they always have as much say as they should? Protestor 20: (Stamping foot) And us children! We have rights too! Narrator: (Hurriedly) Oh I don’t think anyone would argue with that! Protestor 21: Is it really so much to ask? That all people be given the same chance in life? Protestor 22: That everybody has the same opportunities? Narrator: Aha! And that is where education is so important! Protestor 23: Good education for all so we can all achieve our full potential. Protestor 24: And it’s just as important that we keep ourselves informed, via the news and media, about the rest of the world. Protestor 25: Some countries do not have the wealth and resources that we have. Protestor 26: Developing countries or countries of the Third World need our help – now! Protestor 27: We have more than enough for ourselves – so we should be prepared to share our good fortune with others less fortunate than ourselves. Another script entitled Fairer and More Sustainable World Assembly combines fairness and protecting the environment. It is 'The Environment Assembly' plus a segment from the Fairer World Assembly i.e. a combined script. For full coverage of social issues/justice, I would suggest making Fairer World a separate purchase. Other scripts available are as follows: Assemblies/Class Plays on: • Bullying and how to deal with it • British Values • Children’s Rights (as mentioned above) • Mutual Respect • numerous other PSHE scripts – in both assembly/class play and guided reading format plus • Our Planet (available as class play and as a set of guided reading scripts) • Environment Assembly
Pancake Day Assembly

Pancake Day Assembly

Pancake Day Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30. Duration 15 - 20 minutes. Maybe a case of too many cooks in the kitchen? And whoever said flipping a pancake was easy? Definitely time somebody in the kitchen gave up something for Lent - could the belly size of that Master Chef, Monsieur Bon Appetit, be a clue? This is a light-hearted assembly based on Shrove Tuesday - otherwise known as Pancake Day or Mardi Gras - Fat Tuesday! Sample Text: Narrator: Hmm! But the whole point of Shrove Tuesday Chef 13: Is that it’s the last day before Lent! Chef 14: Which is all about giving up things. Narrator: And how long does Lent last? Chef 15: Well, traditionally it’s forty days Chef 16: Between Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday Chef 17: Or around six weeks leading up to Easter. Narrator: OK. So going back to Shrove Tuesday, why the pancakes? Chef 18: Well, I guess they’re a way of using up things like eggs, milk and sugar before this time of fasting? Narrator: (Clapping) Ah! You guess right! Congratulations! So, what are we waiting for? (Enter Master Chef) Master Chef: Or shouldn’t that be, who are we waiting for? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten Moi? Narrator: Ah! You must be Master Chef: Monsieur Bon Appetit! Narrator: A fine name Master Chef: For a fine chef! The best! Moi? Je suis magnifique! Narrator: (Aside) And so very humble! (To Master Chef) Monsieur, we are delighted you could join us today! Master Chef: Mon plaisir! (Looking around) So, where is mon cuisine? (Everyone looks around in confusion) Narrator: Er, I think it might be helpful if you could try and stick to English. Master Chef: (Huffily) As you wish! So, where is my pan? Where are my ingredients? Where Narrator: (Interrupting) Oh don’t worry! We’ve got all that sorted! Look! You have an army of chefs to help you! Master Chef: (Muttering to audience) Hmph! Ever heard the expression ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’? Narrator: Sorry, we didn’t quite catch that! Master Chef: Oh don’t worry! Just saying what a delightful set of helpers I have here today! So, let us start. (Enter Chefs 19 - 28 with ‘kitchen props’; chefs proceed to prepare pancakes under watchful eye of Master Chef, who stands over and checks their every move, occasionally stepping in to show them how it is done ‘properly’)
Lent Assembly or Class Play

Lent Assembly or Class Play

Lent Assembly or Class Play So, what are you giving up this Lent? As usual, our poor narrator has dubious task of coaxing sensible - make that, any - sort of response out of his reluctant cast! And as for even thinking about giving up chocolate - well, let's just say, the devil knows better! Although there is the usual high quotient of humour in this play, the subject matter is serious - and there is a clear explanation covering what Lent is all about. Duration: approximately 10 minutes reading time - longer with inclusion of mixture of beautiful and comical music. Written for cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Sample Text Child 5: Lent covers a period of forty weekdays – that’s approximately six weeks but not including Sundays. Child 6: During this time Christians traditionally devoted themselves to fasting, abstinence and penitence. Child 7: In other words, leading a less extravagant lifestyle and reflecting on how they could improve themselves. Child 8: You mean, recognising their faults and doing something about it? Child 7: That’s right. Child 9: Hmm. Fair enough. But going without food for forty days? I’m not sure about that one! Child 6: Nah! You remember I used the word ‘traditionally’? Well, Christians have become a lot more relaxed about fasting these days. Most people today just give up something like, well, chocolate for example! Child 10: (Exclaiming indignantly) Chocolate? Going without chocolate for forty days? Are you serious? Narrator: Oh come on! Surely you could survive without chocolate for forty days? Child 10: (Emphatically) I don’t think so! Narrator: Forty hours? Child 10: No! Narrator: Forty minutes! Child 10: (Hesitantly) Hmm, maybe Narrator: (Impatiently) Forty seconds? Child 10: (Triumphantly) Done! Narrator: So let’s talk about what this Lent is all about. (To Child 10) And then we might have some ideas about what to do with you! Why, for example, does Lent last for forty days? Child 11: This was the period of time Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, before beginning his public ministry. Child 12: The wilderness? Sounds like a pretty scary place to be! Child 13: It was! Let’s see just how scary it was and how Jesus dealt with it!
Bonfire Night Assembly or Class Play

Bonfire Night Assembly or Class Play

Bonfire Night School Assembly or Class Play This short assembly, The Hidden Gunpowder, celebrating Bonfire or Guy Fawkes Night, teams Guy Fawkes up with the local fireworks - helping each other out .... with their annual ordeal! Duration: 5-10 mins (up to 15 minutes with optional inclusion of Safety Guidelines, as dictated by 'Fireworks') Cast of 30 Narrator Fireworks 1-9 Sparklers (5) Bangers (5) Catherine Wheels (5) Rockets (5) Music 1 - Royal Fireworks Music - Handel (Music 1 as background music while children file in) Narrator: Good morning! And welcome to our Bonfire Night Assembly! (Everyone slouching, with miserable expressions) Firework 1: So. Here we are again. Firework 2: Same thing every year. (All Fireworks demonstrate a firework exploding into the air, creating a magnificent display, then dying) All Fireworks: (Together) Voompf! Pow! Zap! Fizzle ..... Firework 3: And then it's all over ..... for another year. Narrator: Hey! What's going on here? Or rather, what's not going on here? I've never seen such a sorry looking bunch of fireworks! Firework 4: Huh! You want to try being a 30 second wonder! Firework 5: It's just not fair! All we're asking for is a decent amount of party time! Firework 4: I mean, who can enjoy themselves in 30 seconds? Firework 5: That's no party! (Enter Guy Fawkes) Narrator: Ah! Mr. Guy Fawkes! Welcome! Perhaps you can cheer this miserable lot up! Fawkes: What? They're not moaning again, are they? (Turns to Narrator) You know something? I get this every year - it's a wonder they ever ignite! Narrator: That's what I was thinking! Fawkes: Anyone would think they had a hard life! Now, take me for example. Just look at what I have to put on? Just the oldest, shabbiest clothes nobody else would be seen dead in! Firework 6: And when you consider the number of people who come to see you .... Firework 7: Even if it is just to gawp at you burning up on top of that bonfire .... Firework 8: It just isn't right. Firework 9: He should be given a decent suit to wear! Fawkes: Too right! Why should I be dressed up like a scarecrow when I'm the main attraction? All Fireworks: (Together, angrily) Now wait a minute!